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Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

Suprieses and Disbeliefs

Suprieses and Disbeliefs

The action of coming upon unawars of taking suddenly and without preparation.
To express suprieses we can use :
what a surpries !
that a supriese !
well, that's very surprising !
fancy that!
oh my god!
oh my goodnes !

To the hold no to he true or not to exits
really ?
are you serious?
you are kidding!
I find that hard to believe
no, I don't believe it !
Example  : the dialogue

> Stoner : "what a supries ?
   Rossi   : "what happens ?"
    Stoner: "evant, our friends is singing at the idd !"
   Rossi  : " ough, you are kidding !"
    Stoner : " youre right, jeans it really surprised me".
   Rossi : yeah, he is a boy full of surprieses".

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